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About US

Kamla Arya Kanya P.G. College was established in 1968.The College offers career in study through various courses. Dedicated teachers, well equipped Library, and other infrastructures conducive for learning and development are available.

The college offers separate valuable facilities to the students and staff for their progression and career building. The college aims to provide a complete meaningful and relevant education to women so that they are intellectually well-trained, morally upright, socially aware and spiritually inspired.

Principal's Desk


We firmly believe in the dictum that education should provide an integrated personality and help the students imbibe human values. This would help them to become not only good professionals, but also conscientious human beings and responsible citizens.

At this college we have a wide range of opportunities whether you are a young person just leaving school or an adult looking to continue or return to study. We strive to make sure that all our students achieve their full potential by providing a quality curriculum and a wide range of student support.

Our college is recognized as one of the best in Purvanchal. Students also have access to experienced teachers and books. Additionally, we are offering individual help to students in learning and making their future.